My Birth

Hi, I’m Ebony

Doula, Hypnobirthing teacher, Birth Prep, Mama.
Breathwork? Epidural?

I Love it all!

“I believe Ebony is just one of the world’s naturally caring people, I feel so lucky to have met her. I think of Ebony as not only the best decision I made for my birth experience but also as a friend, she’s a wonderful, wonderful woman.” – Melanie Nolan

About Me

Whether you want to dance under the moon or go for every medical aid under the sun, I support your choices. Hospital or home birth, whatever works for you, I’m devoted to all women achieving their goals.

I have a balanced view on birth and see it as a natural process yet I’m also realistic about risk when it’s present, always encouraging you to balance evidence with intuition. I’m just as pro-epidural as I am pro-breathwork because it’s all about you, and what’s right for you.

Doing the Doula

I’m more Topshop than tie-dye (although actually I have got a wicked pair of pink tie-dye yoga leggings). I’m not cool. I listen to Magic FM, saw the Spice Girls reunion twice and still reference Topshop like it’s current.

I’m a bit of a commercial hippie.
Here are some things I love… 

Love green juice and paleo brownies / love a Dominos and Cherry Coke

Love yoga / love Love Island

Love homeopathy / love hard drugs when needed

Love saunas and cold plunging / love Botox

Hmm…what else? I live between Bethnal Green and Hackney with my little boy George and partner. I can’t live without coffee. I pretend my messy bun is cool but really it’s because I haven’t brushed my hair (mumlife). And these days, my biggest vice is my Aesop soap.

Ebony is not only incredibly knowledgable with great experience, but she is so warm and supportive with a really great sense of humour. – Mel

Ebony made me feel safe and she made me believe in myself. – Laura T

I was terrified of giving birth and you made me feel like a total badass. So happy and grateful. All our love. – Flora

Our birth was the most positive, beautiful, wonderful experience & so much of that was down to Ebony. We are so very grateful! – Harriet 

Ebony worked brilliantly with the medical team and my husband throughout. More than a doula, she’s an incredibly kind, strong, informed and talented friend when you need one most. – Flora P.

How I’m qualified to support you

I’m very honoured to have been a doula for 12 years having supported hundreds of people through their births as well as many more via my Prep My Birth antental classes and hypnobirthing teaching, to be a Doula UK mentor and to be highly recommended by Homerton hospital (my local and favourite). I’m a total birth geek and get off on clinical trials. I’m also a hypnobirthing teacher accredited by The Royal College of Midwives and have provided tuition to student midwives at La Retraite School.

So what do i do exactly?

So what do I do exactly?

During labour, I use various techniques to help you feel comfortable and relaxed. I combine elements of HYPNOSIS, ESSENTIAL OIL THERAPY, ACCUPRESSURE, MASSAGE, GUIDED MEDITATION, ACTIVE BIRTH POSITIONS, SPINNING BABIES, BREATHWORK, SOMATIC EXERCISES, PELVIC FLOOR RELEASE and REFLEXOLOGY, always being guided by what feels right for you in each moment.

We want progress as well as comfort.

I’m obsessed with NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION and birth BIOMECHANICS (how movement,  bodywork and positioning at particular points of labour can encourage a quicker, easier birth and reduce Cesarean/assisted births). So you can expect me to be quietly assessing how body and mind are interacting to support you in the best birth possible.

Also I just love stroking people and tucking them in, call me codependent but whatever, looking after people is what I love!

In the nicest possible way, I don’t care what type of birth you have as long as it’s right for you.

How I work with your team

I’m always polite to midwives and obstetricians whilst advocating for you; harmony in the birth team is the aim of the game. I can be firm if needed but I find that by inviting them onto our team makes for a great collaborative approach. Midwives love me:

Homerton Hospital  Midwife: “We recommend Ebony as she works with us, not against us. We constantly hear fantastic things about her support.

UCLH Hospital Midwife – “(Ebony) is the best doula I’ve ever worked with.”

I absolutely know my role (emotional, physical and practical support) and work hard to make sure I’m striking the balance between supporting you and respecting them in their role (medical).
I’m friendly, helpful and don’t tread on their toes. I will never block medical help.
I won’t talk FOR you but I will empower you to ask the right questions and prompt you if needed to get the info you need to make a decision.
In fact a large amount of my enquiries come from referrals from Homerton midwives (my local and favourite). I was initially training to be a midwife before becoming a doula.

I’m there to support your partner just as much, tag-teaming, sharing our skills with each other so that they feel confident, useful and reassured and come out of it in the best shape possible so they can support you and baby afterwards. Your partner knows you. I know birth. Together we make the dream work. 

No one can guarantee you the perfect birth but my job is to ensure you feel supported, heard and cared for throughout your experience no matter what path it takes.

I aim to eliminate the Coulda/Woulda/Shouldas so that you don’t look back on your birth with regrets or confusion: any interventions will be because they’re necessary and you chose them, not because they’re basic protocol unless that’s what you want.

I frigging LOVE my job; giving you the knowledge that leads to you making empowered decisions, helping you feel emotionally safe and physically secure, working in a trauma-informed way, creating space for you and your partner during labour and listening to and guiding you after you’ve given birth.

What I really love about the job is the glamour; fishing poo out of birth pools is officially a hobby of mine. As is squatting on hospital toilet floors massaging your back for 12 hours straight.

I’m a dedicated supporter of cesarean birth whether by choice or necessity and I facilitate the Holistic Cesarean in London which I have supported in both NHS and private hospitals. I am extremely passionate about being a caesarean doula and feel this type of birth deserves as much support as any other (HYPERLINK DOULA MY CESAREAN AND PREP MY CESAREAN UNDER PACKAGES)

I also offer birth preparation (antenatal) sessions as a stand-alone (HYPERLINK PREP MY BIRTH UNDER PACKAGES) as well as private hypnobirthing sessions online or in your own home (HYPERLINK HYPNO MY BIRTH UNDER PACKAGES).

Who do I work with?

Who do i work with?

I tend to attract quite a diverse range of clients from doctors and lawyers to herbalists and PR peeps to actors and yoga teachers. I support across home birth, birth centre, labour ward and theatre. 

I don’t knowingly support freebirths. No judgement, it’s just not something I’m comfortable with professionally but I can recommend some great doulas who do. 

Note – I’m not taking any new postnatal clients for the foreseeable future

Work with Me

Package info and Doula Moola

Click the boxes below for details and prices.

Doula My Birth

Antenatal Sessions & Birth Postnatal Support

• 3 x 1.5 hr antenatal sessions in the comfort of your own home.

We cover every possible birth option, breathing techniques, comfort measures, loads of knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, creating your birth preferences, birth positions and Spinning Babies exercises and getting to know each other and feel comfortable as a team. Your partner if you have one is included in these sessions so we can get your birth team gelling nicely!

• phone and email support throughout

•additional zoom chats to discuss specifics such as an induction being offered as required

• on-call from 38 weeks to 42 weeks 24/7
If you happen to birth outside of this frame I would be more than likely able to support you but always have my backups in place

• support during your labour and birth and the golden hours afterwards.

This includes my presence, protection of your space and privacy, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere, supporting your partner so that they feel confident and calm to support you, creating a harmonious relationship with your care providers, advocating, helping your wishes be heard and respected, providing comfort measures, liaising with midwives and doctors to help them understand your birth preferences, reminding you to eat and drink and wee(!), suggesting positions to progress labour. I’ve been known to use bribery.

I’ll massage you for an hour straight if you hang upside down during a surge to bring baby lower into your pelvis. Whatever it takes people!
I use various methods to help you feel comforted and to support your oxytocin (birth hormone) whilst also bringing progress to your labour.

I combine elements of hypnosis, essential oil therapy, acupressure, massage, breathwork, guided meditation, somatic exercises to support your nervous system alongside affirmations and visualisation, always being guided by what feels right for you in each moment.

I’m there for a while after birth to support with your placenta, first feed and any stitching that might be needed.

• 1 x postnatal visit 
To talk through your birth in as much or as little detail as you feel ready to and help with anything from feeding to sleeping to pelvic health.

Price £3500
50% on booking and 50% at 37 weeks
or 4 x payments at a schedule to suit you.
Insurance also accepted, approved and accredited.

Prep My Cesarean

Holistic Cesarean preparation sessions in your own home

I have facilitated the Holistic Cesarean both within the NHS and privately

• 2 x 1.5 hr antenatal cesarean birth preparation sessions

• With hypnosis if wanted, anchoring techniques and essential oils

• We will talk about facilitating a “labour period” before the birth if you’d like to which is a beautiful way to allow the birth to feel like exactly that, a birth, a journey, a process, a coming-to-terms-with your baby leaving your body to enter the world.

• We will cover all manner of alternative cesarean birth options such as delayed cord clamping, enabling skin to skin in theatre, choosing the best hospital and consultant to ensure your wishes are heard and carried out whenever possible, seeding the microbiome, creating a calm birth atmosphere in theatre and much more.

We can also discuss breathing techniques, comfort measures, plenty of knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, create your birth preferences and get to know each other and feel comfortable as a team. Your partner if you have one is included in these sessions usually so they can learn how to best support you on the day

• 1 x 1.5hr postnatal session to talk through your birth in as much or as little detail as you feel ready to and help with anything from feeding to sleeping to pelvic health. I also offer a calming postnatal processing treatment if you’d like one using essential oils, music and touch.

• Price £600 online / £750 in person in your own home.

Doula & Hypno My Birth

antenatal support, private hypnobirthing sessions, birth and postnatal support

• 3 x 1.5hr antenatal sessions in the comfort of your own home.

We cover every possible birth option, breathing techniques, comfort measures, loads of knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, creating your birth preferences, birth positions and Spinning Babies exercises and getting to know each other and feel comfortable as a team. Your partner if you have one is included in these sessions so we can get your birth team gelling nicely!

  • phone and email support throughout
  • 1 x 3 hr session Hypnobirthing
  • KG Hypnobirthing book
  • KG Hypnobirthing MP3
  • KG Hypnobirthing practise folder
  • Access to my hypnobirthing recorded sessions

I take it right down and cover the essentials of pure hypnobirthing (full courses involve some general antental prep too so this is for you if you’re already having me as your doula or are doing NCT or similar and just want to learn and practice the hypnobirthing techniques).

•additional zoom chats to discuss specifics such as an induction being offered as required

• on-call from 38 weeks to 42 weeks 24/7

If you happen to birth outside of this frame I would be more than likely able to support you but always have my backups in place

• support during your labour and birth and the golden hours afterwards

This includes my presence, protection of your space and privacy, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere, supporting your partner so that they feel confident and calm to support you, creating a harmonious relationship with your care providers, advocating, helping your wishes be heard and respected, providing comfort measures, liaising with midwives and doctors to help them understand your birth preferences, reminding you to eat and drink and wee(!), suggesting positions to progress labour. I’ve been known to use bribery. I’ll massage you for an hour straight if you hang upside down during a surge to bring baby lower into your pelvis. Whatever it takes people!

I use various methods to help you feel comforted and to support your oxytocin (birth hormone) whilst also bringing progress to your labour.

I combine elements of hypnosis, essential oil therapy, acupressure, massage, breathwork, guided meditation, somatic exercises to support your nervous system alongside affirmations and visualisation, always being guided by what feels right for you in each moment.

• 1 x postnatal visit

To talk through your birth in as much or as little detail as you feel ready to and help with anything from feeding to sleeping to pelvic health.

Price £3800
50% on booking and 50% at 37 weeks
or 4 x payments at a schedule to suit you.
Insurance also accepted, approved and accredited.

Closing the Bones

Postnatal healing for mind and body

A really beautiful and healing postnatal ceremony. You’ll be massaged, wrapped and rocked, deeply relaxed with hypnosis techniques, essential oils, candle light and breathing, lulled into calm with music and a singing bowl while you process your birth and your explore how you feel about your current body.

Leave 1.5 hrs for a chat/debrief and the ritual.

Price £150

Prep My Birth

Antenatal Sessions

• 3 x 2 hour birth preparation sessions (or two x 3hr sessions) covering all manner of birth options, benefits and risks and alternatives for everything you might come across, breathing techniques, comfort measures, knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, creating/discussing your birth preferences, demonstrating using nervous system calming techniques, massage, aromatherapy oils and guided breathwork so your partner can help you and be really useful, physiology and hormones of labour – what to expect, what to do, what it feels like, birth positions and Spinning Babies exercises

• Access to my mini hypnobirthing audio track and suggestions of others you might like.

Price £650 online / £800 in person at your home.


Doula My Cesarean

Option 1
Holistic cesarean support package (with on-call period) and antental/postnatal sessions

I have facilitated the Holistic Cesarean both within the NHS and privately

2 x 1.5 hr antenatal cesarean birth preparation sessions

• With hypnosis if wanted, anchoring techniques and essential oils

We will talk about facilitating a “labour period” before the birth if you’d like to which is a beautiful way to allow the birth to feel like exactly that, a birth, a journey, a process, a coming-to-terms-with your baby leaving your body to enter the world.

We will cover all manner of alternative cesarean birth options such as delayed cord clamping, choosing the best hospital and consultant to ensure your wishes are heard and carried out whenever possible, seeding the microbiome, enabling skin to skin in theatre, creating a calm birth atmosphere in theatre and much more. We can also discuss breathing techniques, comfort measures, and plenty of knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, create your birth preferences and get to know each other and feel comfortable as a team. Your partner if you have one is included in these sessions usually so we can get your birth team gelling nicely

On-call for two weeks prior to your planned birth date in case you go into labour before in which case you can call me anytime day or night and I will join you for your cesarian birth

• Attendance at the birth 

I will facilitate all of the above as discussed in our antenatal sessions as well as being a calm presence and ensuring your birth preferences are heard and understood.

I will make space for your labour period and use a variety of comfort and relaxation techniques. After the birth, I will visit you on the postnatal ward until you are settled and comfortable and to help with feeding

• 1 x 1.5 hr postnatal visit to talk through your birth in as much or as little detail as you feel ready to and help with anything from feeding to sleeping to pelvic health. I also offer a relaxing postnatal processing treatment if you’d like one using essential oils, music and affirmations and touch

Note: Most operating theatres only allow one person to support the mother which of course is usually your partner so bear in mind that as your doula I will not be able to be with you during the birth unless you wish me to be your sole support. I’ll be there before and after theatre.

Price £1600


Option 2

Holistic cesarean support package (without on-call period) 

I have facilitated the Holistic Cesarean both within the NHS and privately

2 x 1.5 hr antenatal cesarean birth preparation sessions

• With hypnosis if wanted, anchoring techniques and essential oils

We will talk about facilitating a “labour period” before the birth if you’d like to which is a beautiful way to allow the birth to feel like exactly that, a birth, a journey, a process, a coming-to-terms-with your baby leaving your body to enter the world.

We will cover all manner of alternative cesarean birth options such as delayed cord clamping, choosing the best hospital and consultant to ensure your wishes are heard and carried out whenever possible, seeding the microbiome, enabling skin to skin in theatre, creating a calm birth atmosphere in theatre and much more.

We can also discuss breathing techniques, comfort measures, and plenty of knowledge to help you make informed and empowered choices, what to expect from your care providers/hospital protocols/navigation of your rights, create your birth preferences and get to know each other and feel comfortable as a team. Your partner if you have one is included in these sessions usually so we can get your birth team gelling nicely

• Attendance at the birth 

I will facilitate all of the above as discussed in our antenatal sessions as well as being a calm presence and ensuring your birth preferences are heard and understood.

I will make space for your labour period and use a variety of comfort and relaxation techniques. After the birth, I will visit you on the postnatal ward until you are settled and comfortable and to help with feeding

• 1 x 1.5 hr postnatal visit to talk through your birth in as much or as little detail as you feel ready to and help with anything from feeding to sleeping to pelvic health. I also offer a relaxing postnatal processing treatment if you’d like one using essential oils, music and affirmations and touch

Note: Most operating theatres only allow one person to support the mother which of course is usually your partner so bear in mind that as your doula I will not be able to be with you during the birth unless you wish me to be your sole support. I’ll be there before and after theatre.

This support package is for planned cesarean and does not include a two week on-call prior to your birth dates so if you do go into labour before your planned date I may be unable to be present at the birth but you will be fully aware of how to create the Holistic Cesarean without me as your partner can be shown how to use the techniques

Price £1000

Hypno My Birth

Private Hypnobirthing Sessions

Option 1:

Full Hypnobirthing Course 

• 3 x 2 hr hypnobirthing sessions
• KG Hypnobirthing book
• KG Hypnobirthing MP3
• KG Hypnobirthing practise folder
• Access to my hypnobirthing recorded sessions

Price: £650 online / £800 in person in your own home.

Option 2:

Essentials / Refresher Hypnobirthing Course 

• 1 x 3 hr session
• KG Hypnobirthing book
• KG Hypnobirthing MP3
• KG Hypnobirthing practise folder
• Access to my hypnobirthing recorded sessions

In this course I take it right down and cover the essentials of pure hypnobirthing (full courses involve some general antental prep too so this is for you if you’re already doing NCT or similar and just want to learn and practice the techniques. Also great as a refresher of you did the full course for your last birth and want to brush up on your skillz.

Price £325 online / £400 in person in your own home

Ebony made me feel safe and she made me believe in myself. – Laura T

Ebony is warm, wise and funny; full of common sense and an inspiration. She never pushed me in any particular direction – she supported me through the decisions but ensured they were mine alone. – Kate & Chris

Ebony was our doula at both of my births, and while these involved inductions, labour ward and epidurals she made the process feel incredibly calm, in control and beautiful. I will forever be grateful to her. – Maia 

Ebony is a very genuine, loveable, warm person. I instantly liked her & felt very at ease in her company, she is non judgemental, funny, kind & I couldn’t have asked more from her as my doula. – Emily McCart 

I can’t rave about Ebony enough. She is a fountain of knowledge, doesn’t enforce any views, but will provide evidence so you can make your own informed decisions. For me she was the perfect blend of medical vs alternative. – Emily 

Let’s Chat!

Connect with me

Feel free to get in touch for a complimentary 40 minute video chat to see if we’re a good fit.

I’m in East London (right between Hackney, Shoreditch and Bethnal Green and all sessions are in person at your home unless you’ve requested online).

[email protected]

07863 224173


I can’t rave about Ebony enough, in fact so much that my best friend has already booked Ebony for her birth.

She is a fountain of knowledge and very understanding of the birth you would personally like. She doesn’t enforce any views but will provide factual evidence so you can make your own informed decisions. For me she was the perfect blend of medical vs alternative.

Her expertise extends further than just during the birth, she gave top tips for everything for how your body delivers the baby to the best toys & beds to buy. I would still text her months after Eddie was born to ask her opinion…and she is always right!

During the birth she was extremely calm, very understanding, amazing at pressure point massage and guided me through my breathing, all while being very assertive with the medical staff.

Finally and most importantly for me she is a very genuine, loveable, warm person. I instantly liked her and felt very at ease in her company, she is non judgemental, funny, kind and I couldn’t have asked more from her during my birth.

Emily McCart

Ebony played an invaluable role in the home birth of our daughter – I can’t imagine doing it again without her.

The perfect combination of expertise, humour, empathy and a gentle touch makes Ebony such a special doula.

It’s been two years since I gave birth… and we’re still raving about Ebony and our birth experience to anyone who’ll listen!

People ask us whether it was worth the money. Abso-f**king-lutely!

Opting to have a home birth, Ebony’s presence was invaluable. She allowed me to fully relax at home knowing she was an advocate for our birth preferences (and had a wealth of experience, unlike us!). She empowered my husband to take part in the birth and was the calm and authoritative voice that supported him in phone calls with the midwives and paramedics. Her massages and foot rubs were dreamy, and the physical support she gave me during contractions (hello pelvic girdle pain!) helped me push through mentally and physically.

Her ability to make both my husband and I feel safe, respected and empowered in this transformative moment, I believe, played a huge part in the positive home birth of our daughter. I hope we’ll be lucky enough to have her by our side as a doula again.

Lauren Goodrum

A few words on my experience with Ebony…
Although I was thrilled to discover I was pregnant I have to admit I was also scared about the process and with no close female relatives in London I was a bit uneasy about what support I would have on hand – I did some research and thought that a Doula sounded like the answer to my prayers.

I did a lot of internet searching and realised that I needed to find someone I could relate to – someone who would understand where I was coming from and if possible try to steer clear of some of the ‘hippy’ cliches. And then I found Ebony! What a revelation. Ebony is not only incredibly knowledgable with great experience, but she is so warm and supportive with a really great sense of humour. Ever since I met Ebony for a coffee after work when I was 5 months pregnant she’s been there for me.

The only way I can think of to really explain my experience with Ebony was that having her by my side was like having a best friend who just happens to know absolutely everything there is to know about birth and early days. From the start we just ‘clicked’. Ebony really understood my hesitations and concerns, without ever preaching, she talked me through them and was able to recommend the best books and websites, sent me supportive texts and was with me every step of the way. I don’t know what I would have done with out her.

During the actual birth Ebony was an absolute Godsend – I don’t think my husband has ever been so happy to see anyone! Ebony and I had prepared for a natural water birth using hypnobirthing… although things didn’t exactly go as planned as my waters broke 24 hours before I actually went into labour. I was devastated to be missing out on the birth experience I’d imagined and was really emotional and Ebony absolutely took care of me. She stayed by my side the whole time, talked me through each step as I went through the contractions, Hypno-exercises, then the gas and finally an induced birth with epidural.

Ebony was the one that held my hand during the birth and welcomed our little girl into the world. Having her support me is something I’ll never forget and I’ll always be grateful for.

I stayed a couple of nights in hospital and when I got home Ebony came around for post-natal chats and support and it was great to see a friendly-face and have a girlfriend to talk through the experience with.

I believe Ebony is just one of the world’s naturally caring people, I feel so lucky to have met her. She’s so easy to relate to and we really have a great laugh together. If I ever had any questions that Ebony couldn’t answer on the spot she would research the answer for me. I think of Ebony as not only the best decision I made for my birth experience but also as a friend, she’s a wonderful, wonderful woman.

Melanie Nolan


Click the images to see them in full.

Other Info

Click the boxes below for more background info

Training and Teaching

Royal College of Midwives accredited Hypnobirthing teacher – diploma – with KG Hypnobirthing Katherine Graves

Provided tuition at La Retraite School for girls Midwifery course

Provided Positive Birth Company tuition for parents

Doula UK mentor

1 year Access to Midwifery training at Morley

Emergency birth situations training (in case of born before midwife arrival) – with Joy Horner

Birthrights trained – human rights in childbirth, advocacy, litigation, consent and coercion, discriminatory care – with Birthrights

Complementary in-labour skills – massage, acupressure, essential oil therapy, reflexology techniques, homeopathy, EFT tapping, guided breathwork, somatic exercises for nervous system regulation, trauma-informed support, natural induction support – with various (mentors/books/courses/online)

Supporting survivors of sexual abuse – with Penny Simpkin

Biomechanics positions for labour – with Molly O’Brien

Optimal foetal positioning exercises

Birthrights – Waterbirth – your rights and how to get one – with Emma Ashworth

Birthrights – Vaginal examinations – your rights – with Emma Ashworth

Developing spirituality around birth, understanding and supporting cultural, traditional, spiritual aspects of birth – with Red Tent Doulas

Energetics for birth – with Sophie Messanger

Closing the bones – postnatal care for the mind and body – with Sophie Messanger

Birth and postnatal doula training – with Nurturing Birth

Twin birth – with Mars Lord

Experience with

I have experience with supporting VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean), VBA2C, homebirth, homebirth after Cesarean birth, water birth, premature birth, post-term birth, hypnobirthing, antenatal and postnatal depression, anxiety, PTSD, tokophobia, posterior birth, Diabetes type 1 in pregnancy, HBAC, breech birth, twin birth, planned and emergency caesarean birth, non-binary people, single parents, same-sex couples, egg donation, IVF, PGD (genetic IVF), survivors of abuse, induced birth, ADHD and autism, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, epidural birth, assisted delivery, unmedicated birth, born before midwife arrival birth, low weight/high weight babies, brow presentation birth, pre-eclampsia, obstetric cholestasis, pregnancy loss, NICU admission, low Papp-A, hypertension, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, gestational diabetes, shoulder dystocia, post partum haemorrhage, PROM and SROM (waters breaking early), epilepsy, fainting, infection, placenta previa, foetal distress, mal position, precipitous (rapid) labour, prolonged labour, cord compression, retained placenta, perineal tearing, PGP, anaemia, placental abbruption and if you’re still reading this and bored shitless probably some other stuff that I can’t remember…

Shared Care / My Back-ups

I do a lot of shared care too where you get two doulas and work with both of us antenatally and we share the month on-call. If both of us are free you can choose who you’d like on the day. We offer this at busier times or if one of us doesn’t have complete availability for the four weeks on-call. So you get two doulas for the same moula £.

We’re also each others back-ups in case of illness or emergency. You know you’d be getting someone on the same page. If I’m full and can’t support these are my recommendations!

Ali attended my own birth and the main reason I wanted more babies a decade later was so I could have Jen and Martha as my doulas too!

I work mainly with Ali Ogier who was my doula and is totally on the same wavelength and she’s just wonderful, super experienced and dinky enough to fit in your pocket. She’s my pocket rocket. The fuse to my bomb. Endless Essex energy. Has had 4 births and they’re all grown now. We have many “business” brunches where we down coffee and chat about all things perineums.

I also offer shared care with Martha Noble and Jen Hilton who are both absolutely wonderful, we’re all good friends and have a similar approach. They were both mentored by me so I know they’re the bomb.

Jen is a salt of the earth Northerner with three girls and we met each other on the postnatal ward when we had our babies. She’s super knowledgable, passion personified, warm and funny as fuck and we have many “business” dinners where we always have the same: steak, chips, pudding, drinks and vapes.

Martha is my Californian sunshine, warm, sweet, fun and with a brain that astonishes me; hyper knowledgable and research oriented with a big slant on advocacy and trauma-informed care. She has a little boy. We love a spa/yoga day. Also for “business” purposes only.





Hospitals I’ve worked at

Royal London
St Mary’s
Lindo wing
Chelsea and Westminster
Chelsea private
Royal Free
St Thomas’s
Rosie Cambridge
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Charlotte
Whipps Cross
North Middlesex

Recommended by

Maisie Hill (the Queen and author of Period Power)

Rebecca Schiller (the Queen of Birthrights and author of Your No Guilt Pregnancy Plan)

Emma Armstrong (The Naked Doula, author and Queen of Instagram)

UCH doctors (the most unlikely recommenders if that’s a word. Couldn’t jam Queen onto this one)

Mars Lord (the Queen of women’s coaching and black birth activism)

Nadia Narain (the Queen of celebby type yoga)

Homerton Midwives (the Queens of birth)

Anna Clarkson at Hackney Hypnobirthing (the Queen of hypnobirthing and Instagram)

Random people on the ‘Gram apparently

My Mum (obvs) (the Queen of Motherhood)

Free Stuff